Re-Entry Court Services of Greater Baton Rouge, Inc.
Baton Rouge, LAMission
Re-Entry Court Services provides support services to the 19th Judicial District Court's Re-Entry Court. Eligible offenders have the opportunity to receive two years of intense education and training while imprisoned at Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola or Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women. Offenders participate in intensive case management and supervised probation while transitioning back to the community upon release.
Phone: (225) 389-4737
Re-Entry Court Services of Greater Baton Rouge, Inc.
300 North Boulevard, Suite 6201
Baton Rouge,
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The 19th JDC Re-Entry Program works in conjunction with Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola and Louisiana Correctional Institute for Women to provide for eligible, non-violent offenders to acquire the vocational training and life skills necessary to return to society successfully. Included in the process is: Step 1. Sentencing/Referral To participate, an offender must be sentenced to serve ten years or less, with a minimum of two years “in custody”. Offenders must be referred by one of the criminal judges in the 19th JDC with the consent of the Assistant District Attorney, defense counsel, and the Re-Entry Court Judge. Step 2. Assessment Upon admission to Angola/LCIW, the Department of Corrections will administer a battery of assessments evaluating risk, level of education, prior vocational training, mental health and substance abuse history. Step 3. Action Plan I Phase I is the “in-custody” educational component. Once accepted, an offender must obtain a GED if he does not have a GED or a high school diploma. He must satisfactorily complete the coursework for at least one of the offered areas of instruction. Step 4. Action Plan II Release to Phase II “After care” component. After successful completion of the “in custody” program, the offender will be placed in an intensive “after care” program supervised by Judge Trudy M. White with the support of the Division of Probation and Parole. As part of the “after care” program, the Court will partner with numerous vendors who will provide jobs, housing, transportation and other support services tailored to the specific offender’s needs. Step 5. Follow-up Offenders will be required to report on a periodic basis throughout the length of their probationary period. Should the returning citizen not satisfactorily complete the probationary conditions, his probation will be revoked.